Support Staff uOttawa
559 King Edward Ave #200
Ottawa ON
K1N 6N5
Support for IOUE
A message on behalf of IOUE 772A:
Due to Concession Demands by the University of Ottawa, contract talks have broken down with the Operating Engineers, represented by IUOE Local 772-A. Operating Engineers provide your heat and cooling, monitoring and maintaining the Plant facility, 24 x 7, 365 days a year.
This is not about wage increases! That is agreed! This is about an employer trying to achieve budget objectives on the backs of one employee group. The wage offer and pension contribution increases are not in dispute. The concessions tied to the University's final offer are!
Why should Operating Engineers have their work week changed to 40 hours with most employee groups working less? Why remove the right to strike? Why cap benefits for senior employees? Creating a two tier system, ...... the have and have not! Why?
Two tier economies do not work! We can only hope that the university will respect its roots; that of fairness and equality for all! Providing the same rights to new hires to attract and maintain Engineers, ensuring the Campus is provided with the same top quality service to all on Campus.
The Union rejected the offer and requested that the Ministry of Labour issue a “no board” report. This means that by May 30 the employees and students on Campus may be faced with a labour disruption.
Our members deserve better! An institution of higher learning should set an example for the community in terms of social and economic equality! This University is doing just the opposite!
Our Union does not want a labour dispute! However, we will not be bullied by this administration! We have an obligation to represent our members and we intend to do that.
Lynda Cloutier
IUOE Local 772