History of the PSUO-SSUO Bargaining Unit
December 2006 - February 2007: Campaigning for unionization as a OSSTF-FEESO Bargaining Unit.
February 2007: Supervised OLRB unionization vote held, some votes seggregated. Vote contested by the Employer.
July 2007: At an OLRB hearing, the Bargaining unit is certified by an Accreditation Certificate with representation by OSSTF-FEESO.
October 2007: First General Assembly, and election of Executive Committee and Bargaining Committee.
October to December 2007: Preparation of the bargaining brief (initial proposal).
January 2008: Bargaining Brief submitted to the Employer.
February 2008: Start of meetings with the Employer's bargaining team.
February 2008 to June 2009: 49 bargaining sessions planned of which 16 cancelled.
June to August 2009 Conciliation:
- April 30th, 2009: Request for conciliation. A total of 8 days required.
- May 8th, 2009: Conciliator named.
- June 22nd, 2009: Beginning of conciliation,.
August 2009: Tentative Agreement reached.
September 1, 2, 3, 2009: Ratification meetings and vote on the first PSUO-SSUO Collective Agreement. Vote result of 87% in favour of the Collective Agreement.