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K1N 6N5
OSSTF/FEESO Public Education Platform
Investing in Ontario — OSSTF/FEESO launches public education platform
The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) officially launched its public education platform entitled Public Education—Investing in Ontario which outlines OSSTF/FEESO’s vision for publicly-funded education in the province.
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Public Education — Investing in Ontario
Public education is the key to Ontario’s future. We at the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) are proud to share our vision for publicly-funded education in this province.
Please review our proposal, called Public Education – Investing in Ontario, and join us in our goal of providing students with the ability and confidence to meet the new challenges of the 21st century.
Éducation Publique — Investir dans l'Ontario
L’éducation publique est le pilier de l’avenir de l’Ontario. Nous, à la Fédération des enseignantes-enseignants des écoles secondaires de l’Ontario (OSSTF/FEESO), sommes fiers de partager notre vision de l’éducation financée à même les deniers publics dans cette province.
Examinez notre programme intitulé Éducation publique – Investir dans l’Ontario et joignez-vous à nous dans le but de fournir aux élèves la capacité et la confiance requises afin de relever les nouveaux défis du 21e siècle.